Your reflection resonates with me—I also come from a world far removed from the strange plants I now find myself immersed in. It’s a part of my story I haven’t yet found the space to share, but hope to one day. This line especially stayed with me: “Before I knew the names of trees, before I felt something go quiet when I found myself alone on the trails… this monstrous freeway was my access point to infinity, this dull roar through the trees, this stream of lights: you can’t tell me it was not sublime.” ✨

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the anchovy imagery is perfect. thanks for expressing something i often feel but have a hard time articulating

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It's funny—by random happenstance, I ran across this scrapbook of an anchovy fishing expedition and it really stuck with me, clearly.

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Fascinating as always. I really enjoy getting a peek at the thought processes behind work I admire, seeing the project at its opening stages when it's still inchoate. Thank you for sharing yours...

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I love this blog!

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Sublime writing. Love you.

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“Every person on this earth is a monstrously huge landscape, and yet, we can drop into any of it with a simple incantation” - while reading this quote, a visual of some of my favorite places came to mind, but as me. Me in and a part of these places…interesting to view people in that way.

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Yes! Thank you for articulating something that has felt, ha, too big to get my arms around, that I feel conflicted about and bewildered by, and yet am constantly circling. Thank you for naming it: a life project. Love the notion of a season of self.

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YES to all this

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